Chairs: Keith Calligaro, MD, Matthew Dougherty, MD, Douglas Troutman, DO
Honorary Chair: LInda Harris, MD
Friday April 21, 2023
Park Hyatt Philadelphia at the Bellevue
8:30 AM
Welcoming remarks
Keith D. Calligaro, MD
Morning Session I. Management of aortic and mesenteric arterial disease in 2023 (Part I)
Moderators: |
Linda Harris, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Buffalo. Buffalo, NY.
Frank Schmieder, MD. Interim Chief, Vascular Surgery, Temple University. Philadelphia, PA.
8:40 AM
Management of mesenteric artery dissection.
Tim Sarac, MD. Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery, Ohio State University. Columbus, OH.
8:47 AM
Surgical management of arteritides of great vessels.
Kellie Brown, MD. Vascular Surgery. Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI.
8:54 AM
Removing aortic endografts: lessons learned and tips for success.
Sean Lyden, MD. Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery, Cleveland Clinic.
9:01 AM
Treatment of Type II endoleaks: When and how?
Mark Schermerhorn, MD. Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
9:08 AM
Physician-modified endografts (PMEGs) and other endovascular options for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms.
Grace Wang, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia
9:15 AM
Case presentations
Morning Session II: Management of aortic disease and upper extremity in 2023 (Part II).
Moderators: |
Palma Shaw, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY.
Mark Schermerhorn, MD. Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
10:30 AM
FEVAR-Chimney technique for type IV TAAA.
Ross Milner, MD. Director, Aortic Center, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
10:37 AM
SVS guidelines for TEVAR for thoracic aneurysms.
Gilbert Upchurch, MD. Chair, Department of Surgery. University of Florida.
10:44 AM
Vascular issues with overhead pitchers.
Meghan Tracci, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA.
10:51 AM
Management of aortic arch lesions.
William Jordan, MD. Chief, Vascular Surgery, Emory University. Atlanta, GA.
10:58 AM
Treatment of aortic dissections and aneurysms due to connective tissue disorders.
Matt Eagleton, MD. Chief, Vascular Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston, MA.
11:05 AM
Case presentations
Afternoon Session I. Updates on lower extremity revascularization in 2023.
Moderators: |
Matthew J. Dougherty, MD. Section of Vascular Surgery, Pennsylvania Hospital. Philadelphia
Joseph Lombardi, MD. Chief, Section of Vascular Surgery, Cooper Medical Center. Camden, NJ.
1:00 PM
Prolonged lower extremity endovascular procedures for claudicants increase the risk of adverse outcomes.
Alan Dietzek, MD. Network Chief, Vascular & Endovascular Surgery, Nuvance Health. Danbury Hospital. Danbury, CT.
1:07 PM
Trans-radial arterial access for vascular intervention: Embolization, visceral occlusive disease and lower extremely intervention.
Peter Faries, MD. Chief, Vascular Surgery, Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, NY.
1:14 PM
Management of the “no option” patient: deep venous arterialization.
Anahita Dua, MD. Vascular Surgery. Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston, MA.
1:21 PM.
Diagnosis and treatment of external iliac artery endofibrosis in young athletes.
Ken Cherry, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA.
1:28 PM
Improved hybrid method to salvage failed PTFE grafts when endovascular intervention fails.
Frank Veith, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, New York University.
1:35 PM
Case presentations
2:30-3:00 PM
Coffee break
Afternoon session II: Diagnosis and Management of Carotid Disease in 2023.
Moderators: |
Doug Troutman, DO. Section of Vascular Surgery, Pennsylvania Hospital. Philadelphia, PA.
Danielle Pineda, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, Abington Hospital. Abington, PA.
3:00 PM
Indications for concomitant CEA and Carotid-Subclavian Bypass.
Ali Aburahma, MD. Chief, Vascular Surgery, West Virginia University. Charleston, WV.
3:08 PM
Results of carotid interventions in patients < 55 y.o. with premature cerebrovascular disease.
Caron Rockman, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, NYU. New York, NY.
3:15 PM
Female Sex is Associated with Worse Outcomes after Carotid Intervention stenting.
Bernadette Aulivola, MD. Chief, Vascular Surgery, Loyola University. Maywood, IL.
3:22 PM
Indication and overview of transcarotid revascularization (TCAR) – are the results biased?
Caitlin Hicks, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD.
3:29 PM
Update of SVS Vascular Center Certification Programs for 2023.
Anton Sidawy, MD. Chairman, Department of Surgery, George Washington University. Washington, DC.
3:36 PM
Case presentations
4:30 PM
Adjourn Friday Meeting.
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Park Hyatt Philadelphia at the Bellevue
Morning Session I: My worst case with a bad outcome – they happen to me too.
Moderators: |
Meghan Dermody, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, Lancaster General Hospital.
Sam Tyagi, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Kentucky.
8:30 AM
Linda Harris, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Buffalo. Buffalo, NY.
9:00 AM
Matt Eagleton, MD. Chief, Vascular Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston, MA.
9:30 AM
Grace Wang, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia
10:00-10:30 AM
Coffee break
Morning Session II: Updates on venous disease and dialysis access in 2023.
Moderators: |
Babak Abai, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA.
Nich Madden, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, Altoona, PA.
10:30 AM
Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning and Augmented Reality in Aortic Interventions.
Mark Adelman, MD. New York University. New York, NY.
10:37 AM
Management of iliofemoral DVT – when is intervention indicated?
Faisal Aziz, MD. Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery. Penn State University.
10:44 AM
Effects of inflammation on progression of venous disease.
Ulka Sachdev, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
10:51 AM
Evolution of care for chronic venous insufficiency.
Chelsea Dorsey, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Chicago. Chicago, IL.
10:58 AM
Hand dysfunction after dialysis access.
Larry Scher, MD. Division of Vascular Surgery, Montefiore Medical Center. New York, NY
1:05 AM
Case presentations
12:00 PM
Adjourn Saturday Morning Meeting.
Chairs: |
Keith Calligaro, MD
Matthew Dougherty, MD
Douglas Troutman, DO
Ray Gaiser, MS, RDMS, RVT. Director of Radiology. Pennsylvania Hospital
Samantha Jacoby, MSM, RVT, Lead Vascular Technologist. Pennsylvania Hospital
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Park Hyatt Philadelphia at the Bellevue
1:00 PM
Keith D. Calligaro, MD.
Chief, Vascular Surgery. Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia.
Moderators Session I: |
Matthew Dougherty, MD. Vascular Surgery, Pennsylvania Hospital.
Samantha Jacoby, MSM, RVT, Lead Vascular Technologist. Pennsylvania Hospital
1:05 PM
The long trip to achieving universal criteria for carotid duplex testing: Are we there yet?
Alan Dietzek, MD. Director, Vascular Service Line, Danbury Hospital. Danbury, CT.
1:12 PM
Steal syndrome due to arteriovenous access: Role of the non-invasive vascular laboratory.
Larry Scher, MD. Vascular Surgery, Montefiore Medical Center. New York, NY.
1:19 PM
You may think you understand pulse volume recordings and segmental pressures...
Eileen Selph, RDMS, RVT, RN, BSN, CHPN, Clinical Instructor. Delaware Technical Community College. Hospice Nurse. AccentCare Hospice
1:26 PM
Surveillance after EVAR – is duplex enough? how often?
Douglas Troutman, DO. Section of Vascular Surgery, Pennsylvania Hospital. Philadelphia, PA.
1:33 PM
Case presentations: Challenging cases for the vascular surgeon and vascular laboratory technologist.
2:30 PM
Moderator Session II: Ray Gaiser, MS, RDMS, RVT. Director of Radiology. Pennsylvania Hospital
3:00 PM
Back to Basics: A Review of Hemodynamics
Ray Gaiser, MS, RDMS, RVT. Director of Radiology. Pennsylvania Hospital
3:15 PM
Challenging Non-invasive Vascular Exams: A Technologist’s Perspective
Samantha Jacoby, MSM, RVT, Lead Vascular Technologist. Pennsylvania Hospital
3:30 PM
Unusual Finding in Cerebrovascular Ultrasound
Laurence Needleman, MD. Director of Ultrasound. Thomas Jefferson University
3:45 PM
A Carotid Case Study: Innominate Stenosis
Adam Olsen, BS, RDMS, RVT. Vascular & Clinical Informatics Mgr. Capital Health
4:00 PM
Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome
Leslie Wormely, AA, AS, RVT. Vascular Sonographer. Christ Hospital
4:15 PM
The Role of CEUS in EVAR Exams
Maria Stanczak, MS, RDMS, RVT, R.T. (R) (M) (ARRT). Assistant Professor. Thomas Jefferson College of Health Professions
4:30 PM
Mycotic Aneurysms
Leslie Wormely, AA, AS, RVT. Vascular Sonographer. Christ Hospital
4:45 PM
SRU Consensus: From Acute to Chronic Post Thrombotic Changes
Laurence Needleman, MD. Director of Ultrasound. Thomas Jefferson University
5:00 PM
Upper Extremity Venous Exams: Techniques and Pitfalls
Adam Olsen, BS, RDMS, RVT. Vascular & Clinical Informatics Mgr. Capital Health
5:15 PM
Non-invasive Vascular Laboratory Quality Improvement in 2023
Ray Gaiser, MS, RDMS, RVT. Director of Radiology. Pennsylvania Hospital
5:30 PM
Concluding Remarks
Ray Gaiser, MS, RDMS, RVT. Director of Radiology. Pennsylvania Hospital